What you put in is what you get out!
We utilize nutritional education and supplementation recommendations to make sure that your living your best life feeling the best that you can.
We carry several different brands of supplements in our office, and we have online order discounts from our suppliers for online ordering!
What we eat is the foundation of our life! As much as we love to think that we can exercise and think positively to totally revolutionize our overall health, ultimately, what we put in is what we get out. You can and should exercise daily and keep a positive mindset, but you also have to give your body the proper fuel to maintain itself. The body needs specific nutrients to survive and thrive. Most Americans do not eat properly or get adequate amounts of the nutrients they need. This is not only due to educational gaps about nutrition, but also due to changes in soil quality and what is in our foods today. Food has changed over the past several decades to be more processed than ever. Although some of these changes have led to benefits in food distribution, they have also caused changes to the nutritional value of our food that we consume. Many fruits and vegetables that we buy at local grocery stores may have been picked before they were ripened so that they could be shipped to a location to ripen on the shelves. This is great to get produce to stores in an effective way, but it reduces the nutritional value in which the food contains. The natural ripening process of fruits and vegetables adds different nutritional content than artificial ripening. This is one reason why we don't get the same nutritional content from food like we did 50 years ago. Another reason we don't get the same nutritional content from the food we consume today is simply that the soil can't continue to produce quality food at the scale of our current agriculture. Sustainable farming is helping with this, but for years there was no crop rotation and even with crop rotation there are certain minerals and nutritional content of soil that has been depleted. If the soil is missing key nutritional components, then how can we assume that what grows from that soil will have those components? The answer is that we can't!
We utilize nutritional supplementation and advice to combat these modern day challenges and enhance your quality of life!
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As of February 2025,
Our New Thursday Hours will be 8:00am to 6:00pm.
Fridays will be from 8:00am to 1:00pm.
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